Thomas Elsaesser Collection (disponível online, em inglês)


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The Thomas Elsaesser Collection, hosted at the DFF, is an ongoing project that goes back to the original vision he had in 1976 of creating an “assemblage of materials.” This website presents a variety of published and unpublished works by film scholar Thomas Elsaesser (1943–2019). It will continually evolve to include new materials based on research into his visual and discursive practice, engaging with the past, present, and the future of image cultures.

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Thomas Elsaesser Collection

Thomas Elsaesser, who passed away in 2019, entrusted his research archive, consisting of more than 400 boxes of documents, books, videotapes, as well as digital files, with the German Film Museum (DFF). The DFF is now gradually making this intellectual legacy available online on this website. The foundations of the project were laid by Thomas Elsaesser during his lifetime and the DFF has sought to be in keeping with its spirit. At its launch, the website publishes a broad selection of texts from Thomas Elsaesser’s bibliography spanning more than four decades, covering topics from early cinema to media archaeology to New German Cinema. His groundbreaking monograph on Rainer Werner Fassbinder is made accessible in its entirety. In the ensuing months and years, more materials from his archive and extensive bibliography will be published online.

The Thomas Elsaesser Collection was originally curated, organized, and preserved by his widow, Professor Silvia Vega-Llona, who was instrumental in entrusting the archives to the DFF. The initial concept of the website of the Thomas Elsaesser Collection was worked out between Thomas Elsaesser himself and the artist and designer Ayham Ghraowi, who, together with the developer Matt Wolff, has now brought the project to completion.

The development of the website is made possible by the support of the Martin Elsaesser Foundation, of which Thomas Elsaesser was chairman until his death.

The Thomas Elsaesser Collection is held at the DFF Text Archives, located at the German National Library in Frankfurt. To learn more about the Thomas Elsaesser Collection or how to access it, please write to:

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